PGI Cocktail
Cocktail IMP is an Open Source Integrated Management Software Package (IMP) intended for Higher Education and Research. This software package was chosen in 2008 following a national workshop on schooling and a meeting of the “GTI Groupe de Travail Informatique” which led to the launch of the ScolariX project in Madagascar.
This IMP is a set of software applications (functional Spheres ) based on a unique and common repository for a global university information system. Currently, only the schooling sphere is being deployed (4 applications), but this IMP makes it possible to completely manage the information system of an institution through more than a hundred applications.
Integrated Management Software Package including many modules allowing to answer many needs of management of institutions (ERP), or customer relationship management(CRM).

For any request for activation of services :

  • Send a letter jointly signed by the head of the member institution and its Network manager to the Acting President of the CAT
  • Mail to be sent to