i RENALA does not intervene in the management of the service networks of member institutions. Nevertheless, it works with the system and network administrators of each institution to ensure that standardization takes place at the national level.

The description of the service networks is the responsibility of the network administrators of the institutions and is available on the wiki i RENALA : http://wiki.irenala.edu.mg/wiki/Infra

In order to better manage the communication between i RENALA and the actors managing the service networks, a series of three seminars is organized in collaboration with the French Cooperation, the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie and TELMA :

  1. December 2012: Administration and good management of a service network – Addressing of private networks – Sharing bandwidth within an institution – Short and long term policy – Governance
  2. April 2013: Security of a service network and services to be implemented – National and local monitoring – implementation of CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team)
  3. September 2013: Migration of addresses with the arrival of public IP – preparation for the transition to i RENALA v2 – Maintenance and investment budget specific to each institution